Eyelid Cancers & Tumors
What are eyelid cancers and tumors?
Eyelid tumors are abnormal growths found on a persons eyelids. These growths may be cancerous or non-cancerous also called benign or malignant. Many benign growths occur, including ductal cysts, inclusion cysts, styes and chalazia. Skin cancer on the eyelid is definitely associated with sun exposure. Many skin cancers can occur on the lid, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, meibomian (sebaceous) gland carcinoma and melanoma.
Treatment for eyelid cancers
A simple biopsy can determine if your eyelid tumor is malignant. If it is determined that a tumor is malignant then this tumor can be completely removed. The eyelid is then repaired using plastic surgery techniques. Additional cryotherapy (freezing-therapy) and radiation are sometimes required after this surgery.
Basal cell carcinoma, the most common eyelid malignancy, usually appears in the lower lid and medial canthal region as a firm, pearly nodule. This type of eyelid cancer rarely can cause death, however; because it can cause significant destruction and disfigurement, it is still considered malignant by invading surrounding tissues.
• More than 90% of eyelid cancers are basal cell carcinomas (cancer) of the skin.
• The lower eyelids are involved in more than 70% of cases, followed by the corner of the eye, upper eyelid and the side corner of the eye.
How do I know if I have an eyelid tumor?
If you are experiencing a growth on your eyelids specifically your lower eyelid you should seek the immediate attention of an eye surgeon like Dr Davidi. Because eyelid cancers can be malignant it is imperative that you seek immediate attention. As with other eyelid cancers, a reconstructive eye surgeon is critical to removal and reconstruction of the eyelid. Dr Davidi will work closely with an oncologist if required.
Types of Eyelid Cancers:
Squamous cell carcinoma
Sebaceous carcinoma (meibomian gland carcinoma):
Merkel cell carcinoma
Some Eyelid Cancer Symptoms:
• Bulging of eye
• Ocular pain
• Excessive tearing, bloody tears
• Blurry vision
• Flashes and floaters
• Dark area on the conjunctiva
• Raised lump with a lesion in the center on the eyelid
• Loss of eyelashes
• Sty that does not heal
If you are seeking Los Angeles eye cancer treatment experts please feel free to consult the Dr. Davidi for a second opinion or diagnosis.